Saturday, June 11, 2011

"And he said someday I hope you get the chance... to live like you were dying"

Life. Wow what journey. Each day is a new adventure, a new thrill. I do not understand how on earth people wake up in the morning and are upset. YOU WOKE UP! A lot of people don't wake up. I'm excited everytime I step out of bed. Even if my head is thumping at the same beat as my heart due to the excessive amount of alcohol I consumed the night before. I always enjoy waking up to a new day. Maybe that's the day I meet my future wife? Maybe that's the day I decide enough is enough and I finally get shit together, rather than just sitting here writing about it. Or maybe that's the day I die.

Live everyday like it's your last, because one day you'll be right. Savor the little things in life. The smile of your girlfriend, the smell of flowers, and beautiful picture when the sun is setting just perfect on the lake and that mesmerizing color of  beautiful amber and golden orange is glowing right above the water. The best things in life really are free. And once you have these moments, you can't get them back. So savor each and every one, and get the most pleasure out of everyday that you can.

One thing I don't understand is how some people are really so angry all the time. Like, are really always that much of a bitch? Or do you just act like a bitch all the time? Some guys I just want to ask "Why are you always such a fuckin' asshole? Who pissed in your cheerios?" I really do not understand how someone can wake up and not be happy. And one thing that really pushes my buttons, is people who complain about how hard their lives are. "My mommy and daddy didn't buy me a ticket to this concert! My life sucks. I hate my job" I just feel like telling them to SHUT THE FUCK UP! A lot of people don't have mom and dad. A lot of people don't have a job. Be greatful for what you have, and stop bitching about things you don't have.

I saw a guy with no legs and a hook for one of his hands sitting outside the grocery store begging for money for food. Could you even imagine being in that situation? If anyone has a right to complain, it's him. Too many people take everyday for granted.

I've never had too much in life, but I don't complain about it. I actually use to date this girl who was a spoiled fuckin' brat that lived in Isleworth (for those of you who don't know what that is, it's a ballin' neighborhood in Windermere, Florida where susperstars like Shaquille O'Neal, Tiger Woods, and Tracy McGrady live in) and she had the nerve to complain to her parents about NEARLY EVERYTHING! And even run away from home. It's like "BITCH SHUT UP! YOU LIVE IN ISLEWORTH" I can't stand people with the nerve to do that kind of stuff. I just don't understand it.

My life growing up was never to glamorous. I lived in Dr. Phillips nearly my whole life, which is a fairly wealthy community. My parents "faked" living here because they know they could not afford it, but they wanted me to have a good upbringing. As hard as times were, I ALWAYS had a roof over my head, and I ALWAYS had food to eat. At the worst of times, we were being kicked out of or house and were going to have to live in a homeless shelter. Then, a week later, a blessing in disguise happened. As horrible as it sounds, the house I grew up in my whole life burned down. A lot of people who know me already know this story. Everyone felt bad, and was very sorry about the incident.

But God works in mysterious ways. Our insurance money covered the fire, and we now live in a brand new house built right where the old one burned down.

Another thing I'm grateful for, is how helpful the community was. My dad is a hard working man and coaches a Little League team up at the baseball fields. My mom is a Sunday school teacher at the church and a babysitter.We had our entire community behind our back in times of need. The church was helpful, paying for a hotel for us to stay at for a week. Since I grew up here pretty much my whole life, everyone I knew donated me and family something. Whether is was clothes, a gift card to Wal-Mart, food, furniture, and pretty much anything else we needed.

And you're really going to complain about your life? Try losing everything that you've ever owned and grew up with. Then come talk to me. I love my life and I'm pretty damn sure I always will. You should love yours too.

That's just what I think about life... but then again, what do I know?

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