Monday, June 6, 2011

The Great Escape

Sometimes we all just need to get away from the troubles of life. I know I do anyways. I call it "my escape". You probably have one too. Everyone needs one, and their are countless different escapes. When the hail storm that is life is pouring down tennis ball size pieces of ice on you, you can always take shelter in your escape. I have a few different escapes, and each really gives me that calm in the storm. Some people lock their bedroom door, put their iPod in, and jam away. I have a friend who likes to drive around for 30 or 40 mins with music blasting in his car. Some run to their boyfriend/girlfriend for comfort... although sometimes, they can be reason you need to get away. Others will turn to drugs and alcohol. If you had a shitty day at work or school, you can always go home and drink yourself into a mindless drunken state. That always helps numb the pain. I'm sure it's healthy too, right?

My favorite escape is the weight room. I love lifting weights. And you know what the greatest part about being in the weight room is? As soon as you step into the gym, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS! I mean NOTHING! That's what I truly love about my escape. It doesn't matter if my girlfriend just dumped me today. It doesn't matter if I just got kicked out of my house. It doesn't matter if I got fired from job, or if I just got hired at a new job. When my household gets too hectic, and I just can't handle all of the family fighting and yelling at each other, I strap up my ankle brace, throw a wife-beater on, turn up Wiz Khalifa on my iPod, and haul ass up to the gym. I love it. I can not stress how great it is to get away from all your troubles. I never let anything that happened that day affect my workout. Nothing matters as soon as I grab those weights. Just me, and cold steel. All that matters is that I pump out this next set. Go harder and try to get that 1 extra rep. Feeling that burn in my muscles (oh it hurts so good) and fighting through the pain to finish that set. NOTHING is more satisfying than when I barely pump out that last rep, and rack the bar back up, knowing I just gave my all. That feeling is border-line orgasmic.

Then, I leave the gym and start walking home... and reality sets in. I have to go back to this shitty "real world" where murderers, drugs, abusive parents, and other people exist. It's not just me and weights anymore.

In high school my escape was playing Lacrosse. As soon as I discovered the sport, I fell in love with it. I felt like it made everything more simple. When I tied up my cleats and set foot on the field, all that mattered was trying to put the ball in the back of the net. It did not matter if I skipped school that day, if I failed my exam, or if I got a 100% on my test. If my teachers were being assholes, or if I got detention for being late. All of that stuff went out the window as soon as I stepped foot on the Lacrosse field. Just me and my team-mates against the other team... What a great feeling!

What's your escape?

I think it's good for you to escape from reality every once in a while... but then again, what do I know?


  1. Mine is reading. You get to pretend you aren't you and that you're in a world that isn't your own, and all of the problems someone else is gonna deal with. Yup. That's where I go when I need to escape. That, or go camping, where everything is so simple.

  2. That's great Karen. Everyone loves their own escape. It's actually healthy to get away from all those stressful things. just never forget who you are.

  3. Yo... life is all about "thee great escape!" I'm 50/50 with you Wittless on the gym being my escape. When i'm in the weight room i feel like i'm where i need to be and i lock into them headphones and smash each rep like i'm punching the face of all who wronged me in the past... it's always been a major important part to my survival.. the other escape that keeps me centered in life is flexing on the Mic. it's the whole process of it though, producing the beat, then putting pen to pad getting my lyrical/poet groove on.. then rehearsing it over and over in my head over the next few days.. then kicking on the Protools, warm that bad ass Neuman U-87 up and spray my heart and my soul into it.. that's truly when i am happiest and complete .. and why i could care less who likes my music, cuz it's a release and a passion, not to please others or "make it big"!! ZERO NEED FOR THAT! but both the Gym and the Mic work hand in hand at controlling and strengthening my inner beast mode!! I love my escapes. . everything else is almost grey matter. . (would chiefin' also be an escape?? i may have to many. . .)
