Friday, June 3, 2011

The 5 W's: Who? What? Where? When? and Women?

So this is my first blog post. Not too sure what to write about, so I thought I'd pick an easy topic. Women. Which ironically, is actually the hardest topic in most guy's opinions.

So, I like to think that over the years I've learned quite a bit about women. Then reality slaps me in the face and I come to realize that I've learned nothing. I currently have no girlfriend, which I am ok with... for now anyways. I mean who after-all, who wouldn't wanna date an alcoholic/drug addict that barely graduated high school, doesn't have a job, and sleeps in his parents garage? I mean I know it sounds like I'm all that and a bag of chips, but trust me, this lifestyle is not as glamorous as it sounds. Now don't get me wrong, I've had a girlfriend before. A couple really good ones actually. But I've always managed to slam the book shut on every romantic chapter of my life. Not just slam the book shut, but rip out the pages, burn 'em, and flush the ashes down the toilet. Yes, that is exactly how bad I screwed up the relationship I had with the greatest girlfriend I could ever ask for.

So back to the main subject, women. As I've said, as soon as you think you got 'em figured out, you realize you know nothing. I like to give myself the excuse that "They're all just crazy bitches" which does apply to some, but not all. I like to think that's just an excuse that asshole's make when they screw up things with a really great girl. Well maybe I am just an asshole? Who knows. Which brings me to my next point...

Girls like assholes. I use to always try and be "the nice guy" which would workout for some girls, but not too many. Then (I believe it was about halfway through my sophomore year in high school) I decided to start being an asshole to girls. Consequently, I started gettin' laid more often. But I felt like something was missing. The girls who liked it when I was an asshole would ACT like they didn't like me when they were around their friends at school, parties, etc. But deep down inside them, they really wanted me deep down inside them ;)

But all jokes aside, I really did not have any genuine healthy relationships. Now don't get me wrong, having sex was great. Especially when you're a dumb young high school kid. But what I always really wanted was to have a long term relationship with a girl who really liked me for who I was, and not for what material possessions I had, how I looked, or how I acted when I would put on that stupid "asshole" front. But a girl who liked me for me. Someone you can just lay around and talk to for hours. Not having to drink or get high. She would be my drug. I literally could get high off her love. I actually had a girl like that, but as I've mentioned, I always screw up anything good in my life. Then something hit me... I finally realized what the problem was.

No girl liked me for who I was, because I WAS A FUCKING ASSHOLE who tried to stick his dick in anything with two legs and tits. I like to think I've changed, but I'm not sure if I really have. Girls still confuse me. Another thing I've learned is that GIRLS like assholes, GROWN WOMEN like gentlemen. I like to think that at 19 years old, I'm more of a gentlemen than I've ever been before. But I really do not know how much truth there is to that.

Well, I'm not exactly sure how long blogs are suppose to be, but I feel like I've written enough, and YOU have definitely read enough. Feedback will be greatly appreciated! Especially from any females who read this. I will read everyone's opinion who writes back and give you a response. I am always up for a good argument/debate as well, so argue away if you have something to say about me.

This was my opinion on women...but then again, what do I know?


  1. Don't ever be afraid to go against the status quo - Love is the only thing worth living for - without it we fill our minds and souls with drugs to quell the feeling of longing. Keep speaking your mind - hate and laughter will be thrown your way - just keep your head up and watch your back. God's there. Keep writing <3

  2. true man true. i believe in never settling, and thats the main problem with girls. no one wants to keep looking, they would rather be uncomfortably safe! keep writing man this was good shit!!!!
