Friday, June 3, 2011

To School for Cool

My 4 years at Dr. Phillips High School were the best years of my life. Or at least they should've been. All these old people claim "Youth is wasted on the young". I agree.

Not trying to sound all old and wise, but I would give anything... and I mean ANYTHING to go back to the beginning of my freshman year and do it all over again. A lot of people said that they wouldn't change a thing. I call bullshit. I would change nearly EVERYTHING. Now don't get me wrong, I really did enjoy school (whenever I actually went) but if I could go back knowing what I know now, you have no idea how much fun I would have.

First off, I would rarely skip class. As compared to my senior/junior year, were I would rarely go to class. I would befriend all of my teachers, instead of being some smartass clown and pissing off most my teachers. Yes sir/Yes ma'am, No sir/No ma'am, and please/thank you will get you a long way in life. Who you know can sometimes help you out A LOT more than what you know. I would have stayed in my gifted/honors classes rather than switching into normal classes where I didn't have to challenge myself.

The social aspect of high school is what I miss the most. If I could go back I would try to be friends with nearly everyone I met. I would also be a lot kinder to girls. You never know who's going to be able to help you out in the long run. That little nerd you use to pick on may be the your future boss. That kid you would never let play basketball with you guys in gym class may be the next president of the United States for all you know. Always be nice to people. You never know what they're going through or what's happening to them. They may be mentally unstable, maybe their parents are getting a divorce, maybe their parents beat them, maybe they just got diagnosed with cancer. YOU NEVER KNOW. Maybe because you helped that little lonely kid pick up his books that some asshole knocked out of his hands is the reason he doesn't come shoot up the school the next day.

As cleshay as it sounds, until you walk a mile in someone else's shoes, you can not judge them. Everyone has their faults, everyone has their own problems.

Their are millionaires who commit suicide. Their are people living in 1 bedroom trailers that are happy as can be. Once you truly have inner peace, you will be happy regardless of your material possessions.

One last thing about high school. I would have tried much harder in sports. I was always physically gifted and was pretty much good at anything with a ball. Looking back on it, if I wasn't such a dick to all my coaches, and actually played up to my potential, I would probably have a lot more connections in the sporting world and hopefully be playing in college right now. But nope, I'm sitting at my computer writing about what could have been.

I miss high school more than you could imagine. If only I could go back...

That's just what I think about high school... but then again, what do I know?


  1. you have thought a lot about the past four years of your life. but what are you going to do for the NEXT four years?

  2. “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”
